Ordinance to Appropriating the Necessary Funds 2023
Notices for Floodplain Ordinance
Floodplain Ordinance
Sex Offender Residence and Presence Restrictions
Burning Ordinance
Employee Mandate Ordinance
Ordinance to Amend Section 80-1 & 120-1 with Regards to the Number of Village Trustees
Fireworks Ordinance
Illumination Ordinance
Knox Box Ordinance
Noise Ordinance - Construction
Open Space Ordinance
Ordinance to Amend Minimum Street Right-of-Way Widths
Ordinance to Amend Section 435-28 and 435-118
Ordinance to Establish Sewer Connection Fees
Ordinance to Split Election Shifts
Public Storage Units Ordinances
Rummage-Garage Sale Ordinance
Sewer Ordinance
Street Parking Ordinance
Truancy Ordinance
Ordinance to Conduct Remote and Virtual Meetings
Ordinance to Amend Plan Commission Membership